How Parents and Kids Can Find Flow

6 min read

Parenting is a demanding and rewarding journey that sometimes leaves us feeling inadequate and overwhelmed. My patients often share with me how challenging it can be to fully engage with their children and give them the attention they need amidst all the demands of daily life.

As a busy father of three in a household where both parents are doctors, I can fully identify with their struggle. How do you juggle all these responsibilities and stay present with your kids?

Elina / Pexels

Elina / Pexels

Activating flow is one of the best ways I know. It refers to a state of being fully immersed in an activity, where you lose track of time and become fully engaged. Flow is not a new concept. It was introduced in 1970 by Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Ever since, it has been subject to intense research within the field of positive psychology.

In this article, we’ll explore how parents can harness the power of flow to connect with their children more deeply, fostering healthier relationships and nurturing their development.

Understanding Flow

Think about the last time you were so absorbed in an activity that you forgot about time—that’s the flow state. According to Jonathan Haidt in his book The Happiness Hypothesis, flow happens when there’s a clear challenge that fully engages your attention; you have the skills to meet that challenge; and you receive immediate positive feedback with every turn negotiated, every high note you hit, or each brushstroke that falls into the right place.

Flow is characterised by a sense of focused concentration, effortless control, and a profound sense of enjoyment. Achieving flow involves striking a balance between the perceived challenge of a task and your skill level.

Flow States and Parenting

Flow states can be particularly beneficial for you as a parent because they offer a pathway to being fully present with your kids. Presence is essential in parenting because it fosters deeper connections and enables effective communication. When fully present, with every cell of your body, you can better understand your child’s needs, emotions, and experiences, allowing you to respond with empathy and guidance.

Here are some ways to achieve flow states and enhance your presence as a parent:

1. Identify Flow Triggers

First, recognize what activates flow experiences for you. These triggers may be unique to you: It might be a particular hobby, creative activity, or even a simple daily routine. Once you identify what activates flow within you, you can consciously integrate this into your parenting routine.

2. Hold a Safe Space

Flow states are fragile and can be disrupted easily by distractions. Create an environment that minimizes interruptions, such as turning off your phone and finding a quiet space to relax into activities with your children.

3. Create Resonance

Children are naturally playful, and you can harness this energy to enter flow states. Join in on their imaginative games, building, creating art, or playing make-believe. See how your inner child gets activated by their invitation. Your willingness to find delight in play will create a stronger bond, enhance your interactions, and create a resonant field.

4. Break the Pattern

Sometimes the doorway to a flow state is accessed by doing something surprising. I’m reminded of a colleague who, when one of his young daughters dropped some food from the table, stood up and started singing operatically about bread on the floor! Of course, his kids joined in, delighted. Singing and creating music together can naturally evoke flow.

5. Listen with All of You

During your interactions with your child, be fully present with every cell of your body. Let go of worries about work, chores, or other responsibilities, and immerse yourself in the moment. When you become curious about what your child is saying or doing, it’s easier to listen deeply and ask open-ended questions.

6. Get Your Hands Dirty

Children are naturally curious about their environment and love to explore. Build a den together with anything you have on hand. Play with clay, try hand-painting, or decorate a tree with Christmas baubles in the forest—especially if it’s midsummer! Anything creative, imaginative, or out-of-the-ordinary will invite flow.

Parenting Essential Reads

7. Set Clear Goals and Challenges

Incorporate goals and challenges into your interactions with your child. These goals should be achievable but not too easy, creating a sense of progress. For example, if you’re reading together, set a goal to finish a certain number of pages or explore a new book weekly.

8. Encourage Autonomy

Empower your child by allowing them to make choices and decisions within age-appropriate boundaries. When children have a sense of autonomy and are allowed to take responsibility, they are more likely to engage in activities with enthusiasm, making it easier for both of you to enter a flow state.

9. Stay Patient and Flexible

Flow states may not happen every time you engage with your child and setting expectations too high can be stressful. Be patient and allow for flexibility. Recognize that some days will be easier than others, and that’s perfectly normal.

10. Reflect and Adapt

After your interactions together, take some time to reflect on what worked and what didn’t. Adjust your approach accordingly, learning from each experience to make the next one even better.

Benefits of Flow States in Parent-Child Interaction

Entering flow states while interacting with your children can lead to a range of positive outcomes for both parents and kids. Some of the benefits include:

  • Improved communication: Flow states encourage active listening and engagement, making it easier for parents to communicate effectively with their children.
  • Enhanced emotional connection: Flow fosters a deeper emotional connection, helping parents and children understand each other on a profound level.
  • Increased empathy: Flow experiences promote empathy as parents become more attuned to their child’s feelings and needs.
  • Mutual enjoyment: Flow activities are enjoyable for both parents and children, leading to shared moments of joy and fulfillment.
  • Better development: Flow interactions can boost a child’s cognitive, social, and emotional development, while they learn through play and exploration.
  • Stress reduction: Flow states can reduce stress for both parents and children, leading to a more peaceful and harmonious household.


Parenting is a journey filled with challenges. Achieving flow states can help parents become more present and engaged with their children. Flow experiences foster deeper connections, effective communication, and mutual enjoyment. By identifying your triggers, setting clear goals, minimizing distractions, and being fully present, you can enhance your parent-child interactions and create a nurturing environment for your child’s growth and development.

Remember that flow states may not happen every time—so be patient and adaptable, and continue to foster these moments of shared connection. That way you’ll create lasting memories and more opportunities for strengthening your relationship with your children.

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